Community Co-Op Deal Redemption

Welcome to our online course where you will learn how to redeem deals that
customers bring into your business. 

Listed are comprehensive help materials you can expect to find in this course:

• Deal Redemption Video
• Deal Redemption Instructions
• Example of a Printed Paper Certificate 

With these help materials at your disposal, you'll have everything you need to become a confident deal redeemer. 

A Trained Staff

Your staff is cucial to the success of your offer. Tell them about your
upcoming deal and get them excited for the increased number of sales they're about to enjoy.

• Encourage your staff to go to to see your offer, coupons and business listing.

• Explain that correctly redeeming the deal certificates is how you'll track the progress and
  success of your ad campaign.

• When you redeem your offers, enter the checks pre-discount value. So if the check was $54.26,
   you enter that 
amount and not the deal value. This is valuable information to track advertising
   success. How much people are actually spending along with the deal. 

• Accurate redemption prevents duplicate certificate usage and staff fraud, so be sure to redeem as often as possible.

• Review the mobile and paper certificate formats (see example below) that your customers will be using. 

VIDEO: Deal Redemption
Deal Redemption Instructions
Click to open PDF
Deal Certificate Sample
Click to open PDF
Merchant Support Help
Merchant Support Services can be reached from 9am to 5pm EST, Monday thru Friday:


Deal Voucher Validation
Phone: 1-800-671-6219