Valpak Sellers Consumer-Funded Campaigns (CCO)
Valpak sellers: The following course contains videos and documents on Clipper Magazine’s deal site, and information on how to sell a CCO and how to redeem deal certificates.  

The course content deals with selling Clipper products through our CCO program. You will be selling Valpak products, but the CCO concept remains the same. 

For example:

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Watch the 3 videos below to learn more about our Consumer Funded Campaigns.

Clipp Overview Video - This is a recording from a training conducted with a few Valpak leaders. We will discuss all of this in more details as it relates to selling CCO for Valpak on a live training call scheduled for April 2, 2024. 

• Deal Redemption Video - A video for the Merchant so that they understand how to redeem customer deals. 

CCO Video - Merchant Video.

You will find the following documents to download under "Lesson Files" and URL's to access under "Lesson Links":

• Local Flavor Overview Video Slide Deck
• Deal Redemption Certificate Sample
• Deal Redeption Instructions
• Deal Redemption Video Card
• CCO Street Sheet

VIDEO: Overview
VIDEO: Deal Redemption Video
CCO Testimonials Flip Book